World Suicide Prevention Day

Earlier this year, a teacher committing suicide exposed a common issue in South Korea – parent bullying.

Prior to the incident, the primary school teacher had been experiencing pressure from parents who would bombard her with calls and messages accusing her of child abuse when disciplining violent or misbehaving children.

She described in her diary, on the 3rd July, that she had become overwhelmed and “wanted to let go”. An article by BBC news explains that, “two weeks later, the 23-year-old was found dead in her classroom store cupboard by her colleagues”. She had ended her own life.

As a response to this heart-wrenching tragedy, tens of thousands of teachers gathered to strike last Monday to demand better protection at work. They claim that they are also frequently harassed by overbearing parents, who call incessantly during weekends or unsociable hours to make unreasonable complaints and accusations.

The revolted teachers have been protesting in the last six weeks to raise awareness of these issues and to demand justice.

These recent happenings in South Korea are only a small fragment of a prevalent issue worldwide: mental health and suicide. Although the cause of mental health issues varies from person to person, the effects of it are mutual worldwide.

According to Suicide Prevention UK, “for each suicide approximately 135 people suffer intense grief or are otherwise affected. This amounts to 108 million people per year who are profoundly impacted by suicidal behaviour”.

On Sunday, 10th September will be the World Suicide Prevention Day with the aim of showing our support for individuals and families who have been a victim of this issue and to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides.

You are invited at your local Universal Church for a special meeting which will be held to restore all those who feel hopeless – The Day of Prophecy in the Valley of Dry Bones.

It is expected to be a life-transformative event and will include prayers, testimonies and an empowering message. Do not miss this opportunity to present your life before God and receive a new start.

Invite your family members or a friend to join you, as we are sure that no matter where you attend this event, that it will be powerful.

Furthermore, if you have been affected by any topics mentioned in this article, it is important that you seek immediate help from a medical professional or a loved one.

Event: World Suicide Prevention Day
Date and Time: Sunday, 10th September at 11am (also at 4pm)
