Treasures in Heaven

If anyone does not have the Holy Spirit, even if they have something, they have nothing at all

“But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:12

Those who go to hell will have a body that does not deteriorate. They will suffer the punishment of the second death to the point of gnashing their teeth.

In the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus, the rich man was condemned and wanted to cool his tongue (Luke 16:24). However, a very important detail to notice in this is that his name was not revealed, which will happen to all those who lose their salvation. Jesus said to the foolish virgins, “I do not know you”. (Matthew 25:12)

To those who are without salvation, Jesus says:

“… And do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” Revelation 3:17

If anyone does not have the Holy Spirit, even if they have something, they have nothing at all.

And so are those who store up treasure for themselves and are not rich towards God. (Luke 12:21) Especially since, we are souls and not bodies.

Jesus’ advise for us is:

“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Matthew 6:20

We will all receive a new body – Some for eternal torment and punishment, with teeth to gnash and a tongue to long for a drop of water, while for others it will be for eternal glory.

We, the saved, will have a new city and will receive a glorious body.

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body…” Philippians 3:20-21

We will have a new home:

“In My Father’s house are many mansions…” John 14:2

We will have new clothes:

“He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments.” Revelation 3:5

We will sit at the table with the Lord Jesus:

“To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.” Revelation 2:17

And we will be called by name, unlike the rich man who was condemned:

“On the stone a new name written.” Revelation 2:17

We will serve God:

“His servants shall serve Him.” Revelation 22:3
“He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.” Revelation 21:7

Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is taken by force (Matthew 11.12) for there is no greater wealth than our salvation, which must be earned every day.

This is why the Lord Jesus taught us to ask for our daily bread, since it is our daily bread that gives us salvation every day.

  • Bishop Renato Valente