Too early to seek God
There is no way to make up for lost time. What’s done is done (and nothing can change that). Time is a non-renewable resource (and therefore worth more than money). Thus, there are people who put off the decision to give themselves to God definitively. The problem is that at some point that time will run out.
The overall picture:
During the Intelligence and Faith radio program, Bishop Renato Cardoso observed: “The big question is that we don’t know when our clock will stop. You don’t know if your heart will stop at any moment. Because that too can happen. You don’t know when your life will end.”
That’s why it’s a big mistake to put off the important decisions in life. And the main one is about where we will live in eternity: whether with God or in condemnation.
The salvation of our soul is something we achieve every day. And that will only be possible as long as we have the breath of life. When our breathing stops, it’s over. The person will have a destiny: Heaven or hell.
“Then you have to secure your salvation while there is still time. The Bible teaches us that we should seek God while we can find Him. And you ‘making a plan’ to seek God does not mean that you are ‘seeking’ God. You ‘making a plan’ to pray does not mean ‘you pray’. ‘Planning’ to repent, making things wrong and making amends with God is not ‘repenting’ and it is not ‘making amends with God’. Understand: an intent is not going to solve your problem,” he pointed out.
What to do:
“If you are in need of repentance, repent now. Leave the error, leave it now. Ask someone for forgiveness, ask now. Get right with God now. Don’t put off that decision in your life. Don’t think you have time”, warned the Bishop.
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