The Water of the Greatest Miracles
(until Easter Sunday)
Countless people have received healing through faith in God
The Lord Jesus said: “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.” (John 14:11). In other words, the works that the Lord Jesus did testified of who He was and Who was with Him. And we have shown you the works of the Lord Jesus these days as well. He said, ‘“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12). And we have believed in Him. Despite our limitations (we are human like you, subject to faults, doubts, information from the world)”, explained Bishop Renato Cardoso, in the program Intelligence and Faith.
And he continued: “…we have tried to believe in the Word of God as it is. That is, it is written that if we believe in the Lord Jesus, we will do the works that He did and even greater. And, therefore, we have seen miracles, wonderful things that defy medicine, science, logic. You who are sick, under a sentence from a doctor who told you that your case has no cure. We are going to give you the ‘water of the greatest miracles'”, he concluded.
This aims to help you using the faith that there is inside of you, that a miracle main be performed also in your life, how can this happen? Well miracles are called because they have no explanation and “Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23)
Countless people have received healing through faith in God
During the first 21 days of this year, Bishops and Pastors held a prayer watch at “Jacob’s Well”, located in the outer area Temple of Solomon’s. And a drop of this sacred element, “The Water of Greatest Miracles“, will given to everyone who participates on Sunday, in this special purpose that will continue until “Easter Sunday”.
What is happening:
“We started a series of 10 Sundays leading up to ‘Easter Sunday,’ April 9th. This period will have a greater meaning than just 10 weeks. Because the objective is to arrive at ‘Holy Week’, in which we celebrate the victory of the Lord Jesus over death, with total healing. That person who came with his body being fought, his health, his life, being stolen through illness (because what is illness, if not a spirit of death that comes to steal someone’s life?). So, at the end of this period, which we celebrate the victory of the Lord Jesus over death, that person by faith will also overcome this spirit of death, this illness”, said Bishop Renato Cardoso, during the Intelligence and Faith program.
Are Miracles a thing of the past?
Every Sunday is an opportunity to prove that miracles are not a thing of the past but that God is very present now for those who choose to use their faith in Him.
We know that the greatest miracle of all is for God to place His Spirit within a person.
Anyone can experience a miracle in their life but the greatest miracle God wants to perform in a person’s life is the new birth – that is truly becoming one with God.
Join us on the following Sunday at 11am and bring a bottle of water where you will receive one drop of the blessed water from the Temple of Solomon in Brazil.
*Disclaimer: Please note that the water referred to has no magical properties, but it can be used to awaken your faith and give you the willpower to overcome your battles. Our spiritual advice should be seen as a compliment to any scientific or medical treatment you may be receiving. The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God is a Christian Ministry and Registered Association.
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