Book launch

Divided into 7 chapters, the book “The Secrets and Mysteries of the Soul” has already been evaluated by specialists, such as doctors and psychologists. The work warns about the importance of the soul.

The launch of the book will be held in our Church in Helsinki on May 7 at 11am & On May 13 At Culture House Laikku (Kulttuuritalo Laikku) Address: Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere.

Sonya Loma that have helped on the book translation shared the following: “This is a book that everyone should read and when i say everyone I mean EVERYONE, because it deals with the most important part of us as human beings, our soul, which is eternal. This book will give you all the information you need to make the most important decision of your life: where do you want to spend eternity?”

This book will allow many to know and understand the value of their soul and how one should take care of it with great care and diligence.

Many will have an understanding of the value of always keeping their life on the altar and investing in what matters the most – their salvation.

Johanna, who helped to translate the book into Finnish says: “In this season of watered-down, lukewarm Christianity this book just could be the most radical thing the people will ever read. If you have just one chance to tell the truth to someone, the message in this book doesn’t fail to deliver it clearly, strongly, and with a gut-wrenching urgency.”


Along with the book launch the service at 11am will be kick-started into the first introduction of the book.

If you would like to get a copy of this book it’ll be available in two languages Finnish & English you can purchase yours at our church at Kaupintie 13, 00440, Pohjois-haaga – Helsinki, call/txt us on 050 5430 336  and reserve one copy for you on this day.



Along with the book launch the service at 2:30pm will be kick-started into the first introduction of the book.

At Culture House Laikku (Kulttuuritalo Laikku) Address: Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere. Call/txt us on 050 5430 336  and reserve one copy for you on this day.