The month of the “TRY ME NOW IN THIS”

Life in Finland that was never cheap is getting more and more expensive. The price of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by a record-breaking 16.3% compared to last year (2022), while monthly inflation was boosted by the sharp rise in food prices and mortgage interest rates.
What do you need to know:
Think about this bible passage: “The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender.” (Proverbs 22:7)
- “In other words, debt is a form of slavery. It’s always being. Since biblical times, the debtor had to work as a slave for the creditor until the debt was paid. And today is not different in many cases. Supposedly, slavery was abolished, but in practice, this is what happens. That is, you are working for the creditor, for the bank, for the credit card, for those people who lent you money. You bought something for 10 and you will pay 30, 40, 50”, explained Bishop Renato Cardoso, in “Inteligência e Fé Radio Program”
In the Bible it is also written: “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” (Deuteronomy 28:12)
- “This is God’s will for His people: not to borrow. If necessary, lend. And even the loan, in the Scriptures, the Law obliged the people of God not to lend with usury (that is, high interest). The loan within the Law of God was to help a person in trouble, but not to enslave him with high interest rates”, added the Bishop.
So don’t stand still. Make a decision soon to change this situation!
During the month of June, a special purpose will be taking place – throughout the Universal church – called the “Month of Testing the Word of God”
Also, be with us at our Universal Church.
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