Universal offers humanitarian aid to people living on dump landfill in Mozambique

The African country faces severe economic crisis and worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mozambique, a country in southwest Africa, the Unisocial program distributed prevention kits against COVID-19 and food to 850 workers who live in a dump located in the neighborhood of Hulene, about 10 km from the center of Maputo. The action took place on 1/30

The initiative of the Universal Church aimed to offer special attention to the street cleaners who work there. The Hulene dump receives all hospital waste from the Mozambican capital. Municipal Council agents also participated in the social action to alert workers to the risks of contamination and to teach prevention methods.

According to the United Nations (UN), Mozambique faces difficult economic conditions as a result of internal weaknesses and the worsening pandemic of the new coronavirus. For the international organization, the increase in unemployment, poverty and social inequality in the African nation is worrying.

Paulo Marques, responsible for Unisocial in the country, reports that these people, who make their living from the garbage, are also discriminated against, and that some need to live in the warehouse.

“We went there to show that they are not forgotten, and to offer extremely important help to those in need. Unisocial will continue to do this work in the dump, or in any needy area in Mozambique,” explained Marques.

Volunteer Suzana de Souza described the joy of being able to offer humanitarian aid to those people. “It was great to see the faces full of joy and happiness. Not only for the food or some material that we deliver, but also for the hope and spirit that we leave for them ”, she concluded.

In this way, from faith to faith, The Universal Church has reached the most distant places in the world spreading the message of the Bible.