Social action benefits 1500 people in a community in India

Residents received donations and were welcomed with a word of faith and hope. The work of volunteers and Pastors from Universal’s social groups has gained ground among the population in India. The actions carried out frequently, called “Community Outreach” are similar to the work are similar to Unisocial’s work, which brings material help, leisure, health care and spiritual support to the residents of the communities.

On January 30, they visited the community of Lakshmi Amma Kovil, in Perambur, in the southernmost city of Chennai. Pastors and volunteers organized an event with the donation of food, clothing and school kit for the children. More than 1,500 people participated in the action and benefited from the services, which included manicure and blood pressure measurement services. In addition to the distribution of popcorn and candy to children.

One of the volunteers explained how it was to help the residents in this action: “It is really very rewarding to participate in this social work. It is to give a helping hand to those in need. There are many people who are suffering in this community and this is a great opportunity to find true faith. Today is a very blessed day for all of us, ”said Merlin Mary.

Appreciation and acceptance

Throughout the day, several meetings were held, giving hope to those who attended. Bishop Alexandre Teixeira, responsible for Universal’s work in the country, started the meeting with a message of faith – emphasizing the importance of spiritual food for all those present in the place -, followed by a prayer determining the blessing on all who believe.

Ms. Tamil Selvi (photo beside) was one of the residents who benefited from the action. According to her, after receiving spiritual and physical food, she felt valued for all the support she received. “I feel very despised by people. But, what you did here today made me very happy, I felt welcomed. I hope these moments happen more often, ”she said.

Pastor Eder Borges participated in the action and commented: “India is a very large country with people who need help. Therefore, we always give our best. The day after the action, for example, we received a whole family in the Church. A lady in this family was diagnosed with cancer and they were desperate. The word they received from the doctors is that there was no more solution. But after the prayer, they came out confident. You have already noticed a difference and felt a lot of peace. In addition to a certainty that now God is taking care of them ”.

In this way, from faith to faith, The Universal Church has reached the most distant places in the world spreading the message of the Bible.

If you want to make your non-perishable food donation at a Universal Church, look for the one closest to your home. Check with the pastor to proceed with your donation, so that it can reach Unisocial, the food bags can be prepared and, consequently, donated to the neediest families.

For more info you can sent an email: or call/txt: +358 50 5430 336