Pastor in Uganda is beaten for preaching the gospel

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Earlier this year, a Pastor in Uganda was stoned and beaten to the point of unconsciousness while preaching about the Lord Jesus.

This tragedy occurred during the funeral of one of the members of his church.

The deceased was a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, so the Pastor saw an opportunity to speak about the resurrection of Jesus to the Muslims who were present.

This provoked the angry reaction from the radical Muslims who attacked him during the ceremony.

Although shocking, this is yet another event which points to the return of the Lord Jesus to collect His church. During His ministry, He warned us that persecution would happen against those who are faithful to Him:

 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.”(Matthew 24:9 NKJV)

To endure all that is happening and is yet to take place, the Holy Spirit is necessary and all those who desire to draw closer to Him, who is the Helper in moments of difficulty, must spend time meditating on His word.

The services at the Universal Church, most specifically the ones taking place every Wednesday at 10am and 6pm are an opportunity for you to uncover the hidden gems which can be found in the Holy Scriptures.