Open as usual – ready to help!

No one would think that, after the challenges we faced and overcame throughout 2020, we would end the year facing restrictions and more unanswered questions. However, our doors are still open, we are sure that God can empower you to not only overcome 2021 but also achieve, through faith, what still needs to be achieved.
Our weekly services continue as usual (click here for our timetable) and we are ready to help.
Every service is held with limits of 20% of capacity and all the necessary measures are taken to ensure the safety of those attending, so reservation its being required.
Even if you are isolated and unable to visit us, rest assured that you are not alone. All you need to do is call or WhatsApp our Helpline
+358 50 5430 336, where there will be someone ready and available to listen to you and give you valuable spiritual advice an also you can participate of our online services.
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