How to find true peace?

On Sunday, participate in the “Meeting with Peace” and find out what to do

On Sunday, September 25th, “The Encounter with Peace” will take place. It will be a special meeting for those who want to receive the peace that comes from Heaven. You will be able to participate in the Universal Church in Helsinki 11am or 4pm.

Why is it important:
The peace that the Lord Jesus gives us is not the same natural peace that we find in this world (John 14:27). It is something that only God himself can promote (and no one else). And it is available to those who wish to have a genuine relationship with the Most High. Perhaps, you have looked for that peace in medicine, people, parties, money and other things of this world. That’s why this meeting will be so special for you.

“Whoever has found the Spirit of God has found peace. And that’s what we’re going to do on Sunday: the encounter with peace. All who want to encounter it are invited. Not only you who are already of the faith, but also someone you know who is looking for this peace”.