Has procrastination been delaying your life ?

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Has procrastination been delaying your life? Here’s how to stop this harmful habit!

Who has not already left aside important tasks in exchange for browsing on social networks, watching videos online or reading news and the latest gossip on the internet?

There are also those who dedicate themselves to binge watching episodes of their favourite series instead of performing important responsibilities.

This attitude, called procrastination, is more common than we imagine and can be highly harmful. It has resulted in many dissolved relationships or delays in one’s professional life, just to name a few repercussions.

There are those who look for ways to combat it, but with no success.

The latest novelty in order to eliminate it, that has generated a lot of mistrust, controversy and even laughter are the “supplements against procrastination” offered on the internet.

The supposed drugs that promise to end procrastination contain magnesium, omega 3 and bacopa monnieri (commonly known as water hyssop) in their formula. The interesting thing is that no specialist endorses the effectiveness of the components contained in the hypothetical medicines.

Still, many end up buying the “medicines”, because they really want to put an end to this habit.

On the other hand, science suggests that the nutrient’s from a diet based on healthy foods are effective against procrastination, in addition to the practice of regular physical exercise, of course always under the guidance of your medical practitioners.

The next step is to change your conduct. The Bible itself guides us in relation to this:

“As each one has received gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (1 Peter 4:10 NKJV)

Here, the Bible is guiding everyone to make use of the talents they have, instead of wasting their time with procrastination, throwing away the gift they have received from God.

This aspect is also addressed in the parable of the ten talents (read Matthew 25:14-30). This is an example that addresses capital, investment and entrepreneurship, proper use of scarce economic resources and proactivity.

Through this parable, the Lord Jesus aimed to inspire human beings to always act intelligently with the talents and resources they have, so as not to be accommodated.

So, if you really want to eliminate procrastination from your life, leave aside dubious solutions such as supplements without a scientific basis, plan your routine, separate what is urgent from what is less important and most importantly, avoid interruptions that are a distraction.

Use your time wisely, because life requires effort for you to develop and achieve your goals.

Lastly, it is essential to make a link with God and seek the guidelines offered in His word, which is accessible to all through the Bible.

In our weekly Monday meetings, ‘Prosperity with God’, you will receive lessons and advice based on the Holy Scriptures for you to progress and reach your professional dreams, you are encouraged to make the right investment, by attending these weekly meetings.

There are many promises in the Word of God regarding prosperity and abundance, proving that God wants you to have the best the world has to offer. However, in order to attain this promise, you must first make a covenant with God and allow Him to guide your steps.

Don’t forget to bring your projects and goals for your financial life, to be presented to God in prayer. To make the most of this service, bring a notebook and pen with you to the services, to make a note of the lessons.

Above all, put everything you learn into practice and watch your financial life begin to flourish!

Event: Prosperity with God

Date and Time: Mondays at 10am and 6pm (also at 3pm in Portuguese)