
Whenever you buy eggs, you are sure to be very careful, as an egg is fragile. That’s why we grab it with great care, not to break it.

Usually, all of the groceries are placed in the trunk. But the eggs are placed in a safe place in the front.

Those who didn’t take this extra care probably remember very well having to clean the slime from some broken eggs.

Frustrating, did not even began to explain it!

Everything that is considered fragile requires special care. Things like glass, delicate objects, and many other things.

Now let’s think together. The same kind of special care we have with fragile objects is the same care we should have with our soul, right?

For some reason, do you feel broken inside? Have you been betrayed, treated with contempt, or abandoned? Have you lost trust in people?

Your feelings are wrecked, and the pain of dealing with past issues has given you sleepless nights. Now grudges, hatred, envy, and jealous feelings are invading your heart. You are sad and there is a huge void inside of you.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Too late, I didn’t give my soul special care, and now it’s broken.”

Dear reader, know that we are all fragile in some way. But God is the one who strengthens us and takes care of us in a unique way. The Bible says:

“I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble one and to revive the heart of the contrite one.” (Isaiah 57:15)

God is on a high but also with you who feel broken inside.

Do you want to be renewed and healed from within?

Decide to let God take care of your soul.

Who better than God to give all the special care you need?

There is certainly no one better than Him.

May the God of the Bible bless you,

Bishop Bira Joshua

  • Bishop Bira Joshua