Faith x science

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Are faith and science antagonistic? Bishop Domingos Siqueira explains this complementary relationship, in which one enables what the other discredits…

“Faith in the Word of God brings light to a person’s life. People who have a mental health problem feel as if they are immersed in darkness. This is an example of panic syndrome: imagine a person in a very dark room and a light comes on there. When this light comes on, the person can see where to go. Inside the person, when they go through a crisis, they feel disoriented, lost, not knowing what to do. But, when the Light of God appears, it shines inside the person, in the mind, in the thoughts, because God does that!”


“God heals, frees the mind from this pressure, oppression, fear, anxiety crisis, disorders from which many have suffered. God is the only one capable of removing all of this! Faith will always be the only one capable of doing what, on the medical side, has become impossible! Therefore, there is no confrontation between the two, what exists is the realisation that medicine has its limits. However, the Power of God, which manifests itself through faith, is unlimited. He has the ability to reach the human soul and transform it and that is something indisputable, the power that exists in faith, supported by the Word of God!”

Source: Folha de Portugal