Queen Elizabeth’s passing is a reminder of Salvation

News of the monarch’s death traveled the world this Thursday (8/09)

Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday afternoon at the age of 96 at her castle in Balmoral, Scotland.

Some details:

  • On Thursday morning, Buckingham Palace released a statement saying Queen Elizabeth II was under medical supervision and that doctors were “concerned” about her health.
  • Thus, members of the royal family began to gather at Balmoral.
  • “The Queen passed away peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow,” Buckingham Palace said in a statement following confirmation of the death.
  • Elizabeth held the throne for over 70 years and was the longest-serving queen in UK history. She was also the oldest reigning monarch in the world.


  • As much as science advances to provide quality of life to human beings, or as much as they take care of themselves and have resources to prolong their life, death is inevitable.
  • When it arrives, only one thing will matter: having actually given your life to the Lord Jesus and having your name written in the Book of Life. Only this can guarantee eternal life. Otherwise, the Scriptures show what will happen to those who have rejected Salvation:

“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.” Revelation 20:12

  • “In this great Divine Tribunal will be gathered all human beings who in life rejected the Son of God. It does not matter whether in this life they were rich or poor, illustrious or unknown, wise or uneducated, for there will be no distinction of social class. The books that contain the works and words of those who will be judged will be opened (Mt 12.36-37) and will show all the opportunities for Salvation offered by the Lord Jesus, but which were despised. Therefore, no one will have excuses before the Just Judge”, explains Bishop Macedo.

What to do:

The Bishop adds that at this moment, everyone has the chance to have their name written in the Book of Life. All it takes is a sincere attitude of giving yourself totally to the Most High and investing in this relationship. Don’t delay to take action, your soul depends on it.

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