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Focus on your changepastor2024-07-27T20:35:47+03:00
The Dangers of Narcissismpastor2024-07-16T19:32:41+03:00
What is the basis of insecurity?pastor2024-07-16T19:33:09+03:00
Nobody cares about me!pastor2024-07-18T09:26:08+03:00
“I no longer had control over my daughter”pastor2024-07-16T19:31:16+03:00
“Hate was consuming me”pastor2024-07-16T19:29:08+03:00
He just wanted a minute of peacepastor2024-07-16T19:29:05+03:00
Energy drinks: sucking your energypastor2024-02-28T13:28:45+02:00
Caroline Guimarãespastor2024-02-17T09:52:08+02:00
Donate bloodpastor2024-02-06T19:02:29+02:00
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