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“because I was abused…” Sabrina’s testimonypastor2024-07-24T14:20:13+03:00
“we would suffer from diseases and be unhappy in marriage…” – Raquelpastor2024-07-18T09:49:29+03:00
I was a reiki master and I meditated but I couldn’t find peace – Raquel Testimonypastor2024-07-17T14:18:09+03:00
Miracles cannot be explained, but we just have to believe and obeypastor2024-07-16T19:32:56+03:00
“My life was directed by those demons”pastor2024-07-16T19:32:26+03:00
“I wasn’t happy” Ingrid Faustopastor2024-07-16T19:32:00+03:00
“I speak ill of Bishop Macedo” – Jeanepastor2024-07-16T19:27:23+03:00
“I no longer had control over my daughter”pastor2024-07-16T19:31:16+03:00
Veronica – “No one could understand me”pastor2024-07-16T19:30:15+03:00
“I Was a Failed Christian for 24 Years!”pastor2024-07-16T19:30:11+03:00
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