18 Tonnes of Donation heading to Ukraine

The ground base of the Universal Church is to help without hesitation, the unforeseen circumstances in Ukraine was an opportunity to do just that!

Over the past month the Universal Church in the UK have collected and packed every donation given and on Wednesday 12th October 18 tonnes of non-perishable items set off to Kyiv, Ukraine.

“Helping out on this appeal is a great way to give back to Ukraine and it allowed me to do something great without physically being in the country but could still see my efforts being appreciated and helping out the country.” Tai Marjadsingh North London

It is an unfortunate and unsettling time in Ukraine with the ongoing war, however, we are sure that many families will be reached through every donation given with of love.

We thank all those who generously have given and have done what the Lord Jesus said:

“For I was hungry and you gave Me food…” (Matthew 25:35)


At the Universal Church we are well aware of people’s needs, we see the real struggle people are going through, the hardship some are facing;

We believe in offering a welcoming and friendly and non-judgemental environment because before anything, the people we help deserve dignity and understanding.

Every two weeks, our volunteers prepare handy packages with different items to people that have pre-booked a time to receive the food bag support.

Unfortunately some times having to focus for more needed situations due to limited aid available, such as parents, single parents that are jobless, but on some weeks even providing struggling students as well…

We depend on mostly donations from our own members that are many in number but are very open hearted to help, we continuously look for more people that simpatize with our goal to donate also. 

This year up to date we have helped around 100 families including refugees in Ukraine and in Helsinki with food bags. 

If you would like to support this work you can contact us on 050 5430 336 and bring your food* donations to our venue at Kuparitie 1, Pohjois-Haaga – Helsinki.

*we only accept non-perishable food donations.

Sonya Volunteer

Hi,  My name is Sonya and  I work as a volunteer at The UCKG Help Center. For me, volunteering at the help Center means that I can be involved in doing good and making Finland and the world a better place for everyone, where no one is left alone. UCKG Help Center is a non-profit organization that helps people in need in many different ways, for example with food aid. Join us for Unisocial activities and find your own way to help. More information is available on the association’s website www.uckg.fi.

Volunteering is a joy…

With our current announce on Ruoka-Apu.fi we have being able to provide on monthly basis help to those in need. People that come for the help offered on the website now can also find information on how we can assist also with food needs of some families.

What is UniSocial?

UNISOCIAL is the partnership of all the outreach groups of The Universal Church Social Projects: Assistants, Soul Winners, VYG, Caleb Group (among others) with the goal of doing social work and saving souls for the Kingdom of God. It organises fundraisers, donations, and voluntary services to help those in need.

We combine charitable deeds with faith in the God of the Bible to transform lives. We believe that true change can only happen if a person’s mind is renewed and trained to think the way God does.

UNISOCIAL has led disaster relief effort in various communities around world, as well as periodic food donation to assist struggling communities. Its ongoing efforts have brought hope to hundreds of families.

The Universal Church has come together to support anyone struggling to maintain themselves during these unprecedented times. The UNISOCIAL aims to people who do not have family and friends around to support them and anyone who is a victim of this virus economical consequences.